
You Can Make a Difference

Our scholars need our support now more than ever. And that means that we need your support now more than ever!

Every week, your financial contributions sponsor (now remote!) individual academic tutoring sessions and fitness sessions for our  scholars. Thank you for helping to ensure our scholars receive these vital academic and health focused resources during these challenging times!


Recurring donations

Consider making monthly donations and helping to sustain WESA by giving a gift we can count on each and every month!  Contact Kate for further details at kate.frost@WESAcademy.org

Employer Matches

Ask your employee relations or HR representative if your company matches your giving. If your company has a Matching Gift Program, please consider applying to have your impact doubled, or in some cases tripled!

Donor advised funds

Do you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon Charitable? You can now give directly from your DAF to WESA! Just click below.


donate a car, boat, or other vehicle

Support WESA by donating your vehicle. This is a no cost, no hassle process.

Send a Check

For larger donations, please consider sending us a check via mail to help us minimize processing fees.  Checks can be made out to WESA and mailed to:

Washington Education & Squash Academy
c/o Seattle Athletic Club 

2020 Western Ave, Seattle, WA 98121

Gear Donations

Washington Education & Squash Academy also accepts donations of new and lightly used squash gear.  Goggles and court shoes of all sizes, as well as grips for our scholar's racquets, are in especially perpetual need.  If you have any gear that you would like to donate, please email info@WESAcademy.org to arrange for a pickup.

Alternatively, you can purchase greatly needed squash and school supplies directly from our Amazon wishlist.  Be sure to set your Amazon Smile settings to donate to Washington Education & Squash Academy when you make a purchase!

Please consider completing the form below before or after you make a donation.

Thank you very much for your support. We are deeply grateful.  All monetary contributions are fully tax-deductible and you will receive a tax receipt from us after your donation.  For a report on how your donation is being used, please send a request to info@WESAcademy.org.